How does the product filtering work?
Our Webshop provides various filtering options to help you find what you are looking for. You can access these filters in the left-side menu on the Webshop. You can refer to our step-by-step video tutorials on using filters, or if you prefer, continue reading the instructions below.
Product Groups
Use this filter to search for products within specific product groups. You can select multiple groups simultaneously, which can be very useful when combining with the other filters as well. Within the Flower department, there are around 100 product groups to choose from and within the Plant department another 30+.

Filter by specific colours. Useful for events with colour themes. If you need precise shades, consult your account manager.

If you have had positive experiences with specific growers or know that certain growers offer the product you are looking for, the Growers filter can be very helpful. By selecting your preferred growers, you will see all the products and varieties they offer. You can choose multiple growers.

Flowers are typically graded as B1, A2, or A1, with A1 being the highest quality. However, we have introduced two additional grades: Extra and Super. These flowers are officially A1 quality but surpass the average A1 flowers. In our Webshop, you can filter by one or more quality grades. This is helpful if you are looking for the best options or prefer more budget-friendly 2nd quality products.

In the Flowers department, the diameter filter is exclusively used for Anthurium. In the Plants department, the Pot Size filter allows you to select your preferred pot sizes. Additionally, you can filter by product length/height. This is helpful if you’re specifically looking for tall plants or shorter flowers for bouquets. The filter values represent the minimum and maximum available for that specific date and department.

To simplify your product search process, utilize the Webshop’s search filter conveniently positioned at the top right corner. As soon as you begin typing, the Webshop will promptly search for relevant items. Feel free to input any criteria, such as color, product length, packing type, grower, or product name.

For quicker navigation, utilize the alphabet section to move from letter to letter.

Last but not least: the Reset button ‘Cancel filter’ resets the filters. Sometimes it’s easy to lose track of the filters you’ve used and you could be wondering why you don’t see a lot of products. Use the Reset button to clear filters and reload all products available for the selected Department and Date.